Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mind the Art Anthology Vol II

And we're back. After a holiday break of not doing so many things (except for writing when I get the chance), I'm back doing a show with Mind the Art Entertainment. It is one half of a series called A Mind the Art Anthology Vol II. Why Vol II

Well, because we did Vol I last year in the spring. That was the Vol that featured my full-length piece Die.

Both of these wonderful Vols were and are to be held at the La Mama E.T.C. which is a great theatre down on E 4th Between 2 & 3. 

I am in the piece called Story Time with Mr. Butterman (that disturbed man that lives in your park) Fables for Adults Living in a Modern World which is certainly the longest titled play that I've ever been in so far.

The show is a compilation of poetry, music and theatre, all written on the theme of adult fairy tales or fables that have some bearing on life as we know it. I wrote one of the pieces called The Emperor's New...Weapon of Mass Destruction. The show runs Jan 28, 29 & 30 (Friday & Saturday at 10pm, Sunday at 5:30pm).

The other piece that is part of this Vol is called A Woman in Progress

and is written and performed by my lovely soon-to-be-wife Keelie Sheridan. This show runs Jan 21 & 22 (both performances at 10pm).

Tickets for both of these shows can be purchased at the La Mama

74A East 4th Street
(btw Bowery & 2nd Ave)
New York, NY 10003
Office: M–F 11a–6p
Box Office: M–Su 12–5p

or online at the La Mama website.

You should probably come see them both, just for fun.

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